The NZD/USD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD). This pair is a popular investment tool among global investors and forex traders. Below, you can find detailed information about the NZD/USD currency pair.
General Information
The US Dollar (USD) is one of the most widely used and strongest currencies in the world. The Canadian Dollar (CAD), the official currency of Canada, is commonly referred to as the “Loonie.” The NZD/USD pair fluctuates based on the economic relationships and market dynamics between these two countries.
Current Price Information
The current price information for the NZD/USD currency pair is as follows:
Price: $0.5651
Daily Open Price: $0.5645
Daily Close Price: $0.5646
Daily High Price: $0.5663
Daily Low Price: $0.5625
Volume: 0
Historical Performance
The historical performance of the NZD/USD currency pair is a crucial indicator for investors. Below are the highest and lowest prices for this pair over the past 52 weeks:
52-Week High Price: $0.6377
52-Week Low Price: $0.5518
Economic Factors and Impacts
The NZD/USD currency pair is influenced by various factors such as economic data from both countries, central bank policies, oil prices, and global trade dynamics. Trade relations between the US and Canada, especially developments in the oil and energy sectors, play a significant role in the fluctuation of this currency pair.
Information for Investors
The NZD/USD currency pair offers various opportunities for investors as it is frequently traded in the forex markets. However, due to its volatile nature, careful analysis and strategic approaches are necessary. By closely following market news and economic calendars, you can make more informed investment decisions.
Latest Updates
As currency pairs are continuously fluctuating, it is essential to stay updated with the latest information and analyses on NZD/USD. For the most recent updates, you can visit our forex platforms or review our economic analysis reports.